Monday, September 23, 2024

Quality Assurance Duties

Now that the primary education application is at NCHE, I am catching up on some Quality Assurance duties before preparing the Secondary Education Curriculum. During this short period, there will be a search for content writers to assist.

Currently on my desk is the review of the Human Resource Manual and other policies that are in need of improvement, refinement, or development to assist with the day to day activities. I have completely revised the yearly Appraisal forms and developed rubrics. The Management Team will be reviewing them for amendments and for additional recommendations. After we have a final draft then we will have a quorum for approval before they may be forwarded to the University Governing Council. Looking forward for all current policies being developed to be approved quickly. 

No exciting work for now.

Till next time. 

Friday, September 13, 2024

Halfway There

Education Department Here We Go!

We are in a good place now! I am happy to state that all of the execution and administration for establishing the programs Bachelor of Arts in Primary Education, Bachelor of Science in Primary Education, and Diploma of Primary Education are complete. The three program structure applications for accreditation by the National Council of Higher Education is being submitted this week! 

I have, with a few hiccups, led the launch for the Education Department at St. Ignatius University-Kabale. Now the work begins for  accreditation in Secondary Education, as well as, an upgrade of the status of the University from a Provisional License to a full License as a Higher Education Institution by the governing body, National Council of Higher Education.

St. Ignatius University-Kabale is halfway to the finish line.

Friday, September 6, 2024

Historical Day

What a nice day in Kabale, Uganda!

The Inauguration was a historical day, as it was the first Inauguration of the University and some members from the national government were able to attend.

It began with mass, then the blessings of the podium, chair, and mess. After the installation of both the Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor occurred prior to the procession. In order to provide a detailed occurrence a news article and pictures are being shared below.

Management Team with the Chancellor and Vice Chancellor (I am standing next to the Bishop)

Vice-Chancellor Fr. Maximiano next to Chancellor Bishop Callist

Good News For St. Ignatius University

St. Ignatius University Kabale second year in the making! Uganda has had an increase in communicable diseases which causes everyone to be ...