Monday, March 4, 2024

Week 1: Arrival

Rwanda and Uganda are beautiful countries with green, wet, and mountainous terrains. It was breathtaking watching the countryside through the car window while driving. The soil is red and most roads are dirt roads, but the city areas and highways are asphalt. This first picture was taken during the travel to Kabale. This is how the majority of the country looks like.


I had the pleasure to meet several people within the community. The Diocese feels like a well developing compound on top of a mountain. There are several primary, secondary and post secondary institutions surrounding the Bishop’s home.

I had the pleasure of having dinner with Bishop Rubaramira a few days after my arrival. The Bishop welcomed me to Kabale, Uganda. During our meal, he provided rich information about the history of Uganda and the diocese. I find the people within the community to be warm and welcoming. The next few pictures are areas located on the property and walking distance from my sleeping quarters. 

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