Friday, August 16, 2024

Challenges & Progress

Well, it has been a challenge the last few weeks. The deadline that I had set has come and gone for the content writers to submit their sections of the Bachelor of Arts and Science in Primary Education, as well as Diploma in Primary Education to me. In addition, there was difficulty in recruiting two content writers. However, we were finally able to recruit them and with some additional incentives to the faculty has made progress this past month. The altered deadline is to have the completed curricula by August 21st. The completed curricula will be submitted with the academic program application to National Council of Higher Education by the end of the month. 

Once approved we will formally launch the Education Department and begin recruiting staff. The task for September is to begin working on the Bachelor of Arts and Sciences in Secondary Education. Since the training and leading the staff in developing curriculum was the largest hurdle. Since English for some was not Advanced, there was a challenge to develop hands-on, project, and problem-based activities to foster critical thinking skills while improving their written English comprehension. All in all, progress has been made!

I am hopeful that accreditation will be granted on the initial application.

Keep St. Ignatius University-Kabale in your prayers. 

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