Monday, March 11, 2024

Week 2: Challenges and Blessings

Well, it's been full of challenges and pleasurable experiences.

The most challenging aspect of living in Uganda are the lack of modern Western conveniences. Such as a constant flow of electricity and wifi, as well as public transportation.

Even though these are daily circumstances, we still move forward. You adjust to cold showers. You rely more on produce than refrigerated items of consumption. You take more breaks to enjoy conversations and the scenery.

I have been appointed as the Quality Assurance Officer of St. Ignatius University Kabale, which heavily relies on technology as a resource and tool to gather an understanding of the different nuances of Higher Education in Uganda. It is a young institute that currently holds provisional national certifications and is aspiring to be fully certified by the end of 2024. The current staff and faculty are pioneers, as they wear several hats as they collectively work on increasing enrollment. 

Comparatively to the United States, the national accrediting bodies of Higher Education are similar in focus, policy and monitoring tools. As the university grows the surrounding community will benefit and further develop. Conversations with staff regarding the status of implementation and what's next has allowed me to understand the founders mission and vision of the University. I look forward to the engaging work that lies ahead.


The campus has a few buildings and is still building.

Next, will be a blog of my adventures to the capital, Kampala.

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